

Word guessing and geographical problems are combined in the interesting and captivating game Locatle to amuse and inform players. Its concept, which was influenced by the well-known game Wordle, offers a novel twist by having players estimate the nation in which a certain photo was taken. Through the utilization of visual clues, landmarks, and more geographical knowledge, players can refine their cognitive abilities and broaden their comprehension of their surroundings.

Players can get instant feedback on the accuracy of their guesses and can enhance their guessing skills with the use of clues and comments. In addition, the game offers a large number of photos shot in other nations, providing players with a rich and varied experience.

The game is an enjoyable and engaging social activity that may be performed either solo or jointly with others. To keep players interested and learning new things every day, the game might also present fresh difficulties.

Locatle is an enjoyable and instructive game that offers a difficult but worthwhile experience. It inspires players to study up on the various nations that make up the globe and its topography. This game aims to captivate players and give them an enjoyable means of broadening their understanding of the world through its engaging structure, imaginative challenges, and varied visuals.

How to play

  • Use the mouse

In addition to Linkr, we also have a wide variety of other guessing games that are just as much fun. Put your abilities to the test right now.

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