Hurdle 2

Hurdle 2

A concealed five-letter word must be found in a limited number of trials in the entertaining word guessing game Hurdle 2. In the game Hurdle 2, players have eight tries to figure out a five-letter secret word. A real five-letter phrase must be used in each attempt.

After each guess, the game provides suggestions to assist you in determining whether the forecast was accurate. These suggestions are provided by the number of characters to the right and their placements, which are shown by colored boxes. It should be noted that each letter's proposals are unique and do not indicate whether a particular letter is truthful or untrue. They only offer information on the precise number of characters and their placement.

  • Green Box: the green box indicates the correct number of characters in the right place. This demonstrates that these figures are in the appropriate location and are part of the secret phrase.
  • Yellow box: the yellow box indicates how many characters on the right are incorrect. These characters are present in the concealed word, but they are not present in the location you would anticipate.

How to play

  • Use the mouse.

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