Hocus Focus

Hocus Focus

Hocus Focus presents gamers with fresh difficulties every day. In order to color the entire canvas in this game, you must swipe the screen, just like in Wordle. Then, draw minute details to reveal larger blocks.

In the game Hocus Focus, participants must be quick with their thoughts, observations, and reasoning. Players must utilize their visual sense to recognize patterns, shapes, colors, and forms in partially disclosed images in order to succeed. It's critical to keep in mind that players only have a short window of time to complete this task.

The game begins with a concealed image that is initially hidden by enormous blocks, or pixels. The object of the game is for the player to click on the blocks to gradually reveal more characteristics of the image and interpret them.

The longer the image is explored, the more the player will be able to piece it together and draw conclusions about what it represents. The challenge is gradually piecing together the picture from the scant details given.

How to play

  • Use the mouse.

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