In the multiplayer word game Wordsoccer.io, your goal is to outscore your opponent by forming words out of the available letters. The image you see on the television in front of you is a football field. His athletes will be positioned on the opposing team's side. They will approach your gate gradually. Your athletes must be coerced into attacking the opposing team's goal. You'll accomplish this in a very intriguing manner. A table containing the alphabetic letters will be located underneath the field. You'll need to build a word by clicking on them in a specific order. If written properly, your athlete will attempt to score by attacking the goal of the opposition. Currently, the game is only available in English and Czech. In the "play online with your friends" function, additional languages will soon be accessible. Make up as many words as you can!
You may find much more exciting guessing games like Dingbats and many others in our Word library. Enjoy yourselves!