Tiny Landlord

Tiny Landlord


Tiny Landlord is a simple-to-play simulation game for developing cities. The abundance of structures you can build on your own in the game, including homes, skyscrapers, streets, factories, clinics, hospitals, schools, parks, ports, garages, and government institutions, is its best feature. You can see the city's bright future thanks to your macro vision, and you're determined to start building so that everyone may live here more comfortably and better while simultaneously raising the bar for the entire city. The city has grown to become a prestigious and modern tourist destination for the country.

How to play

Play the game by using your mouse. 

Use a city builder simulation to design your own city. 

Use your money to improve city life in the city simulator by unlocking and installing bike racks, street lights, and trees, among other things. 

The fastest way to increase your fortune is to win the favor and gifts of your people.


How To Play

How To Play Tiny Landlord

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