


A brand-new, compelling, and difficult word game is called Phrazle. It can be played anytime, anywhere, with friends or family members. Just focus and fast thinking are needed to play; no exceptional abilities are needed. Only one player at a time can see the matching words on the same board, which contains letters of various colors.

Each participant has their own table in front of them, with an empty grid of letters in various colors on each board. The active player reads the clue sentence aloud (who currently has their turn). The participants then compete to fill their grid with as many words as they can come up with that contain every word from the Phrazle clue that is buried while still staying within the predetermined limits (e.g., minimum word length).

How to play

  • The phrase can be guessed six times.
  • Each estimate must have all the necessary gaps and valid words.
  • The color of the tiles will change after each guess to indicate how close you are to the correct sentence.
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