Find Birds Names

Find Birds Names

How many bird names, particularly in English, do you know? It's time to put your vocabulary to the test in Find Birds Names, and whenever you can, add to it. In this educational word search game, you must determine the name of the bird shown in the right panel and find the proper spelling. Simply click the necessary alphabet letter to finish the spelling. The rules are quite similar to those of the well-known puzzle game Hangman and center entirely around birds. But since everything will be handled in a compassionate manner, we won't hang the winners. One of the colored blocks on the right will vanish if you click on a cell that is not a word. The level must be redone if all seven vanish and the mission is not finished. Aim to expand your vocabulary while having fun.

How to play

  • Use the mouse.

We have many more guessing games like Word Finding Puzzle Game in our Word library if you're interested. Have a good time!

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